Personal Essay

I almost gave up halfway through the mountains cause of the heat. If I had given up at that moment I would have regretted it. 

We went on a trip to the province for a family event, it was so hot that day and we were in a wide-open field so we had to look for shelter.

So we climb up the mountain, on the way there I was starting to get exhausted because of the heat. I was about to go back to the car but since it was a long way down it would just exhaust me more. So I decided to continue moving forward.

If I had stopped on the way there, I wouldn't have been able to see what I saw. I can easily compare this to "the WILL of the River" since I think we both kinda have similarities by just pushing forward until you reach the end, even through hard times. 

We all should not surrender just because we're being pulled away from the goal that could help us and benefit us. Even if it's a long way.


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