Reflective Essay 

 I understand all the arguments in the story. The Mom and Dad argument, the social interactions, the gambling and fun, and the family dinner time. It’s what I experience in life and also what I see in life. 

Like I may never have experienced gambling and fun but I see how people experience it, I may not have good social interactions with some other people but I see how people interact with others. And what I mean about that is even though I never have experienced those things before or never done it, I somewhat learn just by observing and just feel their determination and energy when I observe what people are doing. It’s like going different directions for no reason at all and you just learn something that you didn’t plan to learn... 

And for the mom and dad argument of course I relate to it very much my parents argue for such little things. The family dinner I also relate to, of course we just talk about stuff and fight over stuff, what’s right and wrong and what’s good or bad. 

And so what I’ve realized about my topic is that there is a lot for me to experience and understand more, rather than just observing.. Yes I may learn by observing what I say but I could really learn more and maybe have interest in it if I could just try and experience it for myself. Wouldn’t that be better? I could relate more to the story if I wasn’t being lazy at all..


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