This blog is about sharing my experiences and moments through our Family Day 2023. Before the Family day event I felt anxious because of our Dance Palabas, we had it rough during our dance rehearsal because It didn't went exactly how we practiced.. We were crowded, disoriented and disorganized, It was also the day before Family Day so we were tremendously stressed. But because of my team being so optimistic and strong willed I stopped worrying and hoped for the best. We went down for mass after our short practice. 

Here's a 
photo they took during our mass prayer, It was so hot at that time since it was 1:00..


And a picture of our priest as he gives us the holy bread!! He really outshined us in the sun. 

After the holy mass they gave us time to prepare our outfits, props and make overs. We took our time and even practiced for a bit, We didn't feel anxious or overwhelmed anymore because our only goal now is to just do our best in our parts and perfect the dance whether win or lose we just wanted to perfect the dance and that will be enough to make our team proud. 

We successfully did our dance but sadly we got into 4th place but a lot of people supported and liked our dance better and those compliments were enough to make us proud of ourselves. We thanked our choreographer for being so patient with us throughout the dance practices even though some of us weren't so obedient but she still showed kindness and was so patient with us, I'm glad she wasn't strict either, her and the other grade 10 students always made the team so fun..

I will never forget this Red Falcon team, they're the ones who made my Intramural so fun and memorable. Although there were up and downs, some people wouldn't cooperate that much, we even got into a close fight with the other team (Black Panther) but thankfully we made truce because all we want for this year's Intramural is fun and for our grades.. This team fought so hard and did their very best for the Red Falcon to be in the top 3 leaderboard, I will forever be grateful for being part of this team and I am so proud in each one of them, we made friends along the way, we got close with other grade students. They showed so much of their talents and skills, we cheered for each other, even when we lost multiple times we still supported and never thought of bringing someone down just because they lost a game...

This is the photo of me and my family.. 

I'm glad that they came for me and for my team's dance, they were such big supporters.. It's nice showing my auntie and my cousin my school, I didn't even know that they would come visit it was a surprise for me. 

Last thing I want to show for my Intramural journal is my group picture with my closest friends..

These people have been with me since my first day in ACT on 2018.. They aren't just my so called best friends but I see them as my second family that is why we planned to take a group photo during Family day. We've been waiting for this day and it finally came, these people means so much to me. We went through tough times together, we were always there for each other, caring for each other, support eachothers' choices and decisions, even when we fought at times we still forgave eachother and acted like nothing happened and still shared our smiles and laughters.. We give eachothers' space when they needed some, we comfort each other, we respect eachother and our privacy, we give each other boundaries, we have so much in common but also with different taste and different likes yet we still show love and support..

I am so happy that Family day 2023 happened and is back even after 3 years of quarantine.. I have came such a long way in this school year, I'm hoping to see next year's Family day and Intramural. I hope I could improve my games too.. 


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